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CG | BCMR | Other Cases | 2010-171
Original file (2010-171.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied



Application for the Correction of 
the Coast Guard Record of: 


BCMR Docket No. 2010-171 



The applicant asked that his record be corrected to show his expiration of enlistment (EOE) as 
January 11, 2009, instead of November 9, 2011.  The applicant alleged, and the Judge Advocate General 
(JAG) agreed, that he reenlisted for 4 years on January 12, 2005, and so his correct EOE was January 11, 
2009.  However, an incorrect EOE date was entered into the Direct Access electronic database.  The JAG 
stated that due to the erroneous entry and the applicant’s reliance on that information, he was deprived of 
the opportunity to reenlist on January 12, 2009, for a selective reenlistment bonus (SRB).  Therefore, the 
JAG  recommended  that  the  Board  grant  relief  by  directing  that the applicant’s record be corrected to 
show that his EOE was January 11, 2009, and to show that he reenlisted on January 12, 2009, for a Zone 
B SRB with a multiple of 1.7 under ALCOAST 353/09.  The applicant agreed with this recommendation. 


The JAG admitted, and the Board finds, that the Coast Guard committed an error by erroneously 
placing an incorrect EOE date in the applicant’s Direct Access electronic record.  The incorrect informa-
tion  deprived  him  of  the  opportunity  to  reenlist  for  an  SRB  on  January  12,  2009.    The  applicant  is 
entitled to the relief stated below. 


The  military  record  of  XXXXXXXXXXXXX,  USCG,  including  his  electronic  record  in  the 
Direct  Access  database,  shall  be  corrected  to  show  January  11,  2009,  as  the  EOE  for  his  
4-year January 12, 2005, reenlistment.  His record shall be further corrected to show that he reenlisted for 
6  years  on  January  12,  2009,  for  a  Zone  B  SRB  calculated  with  a  multiple  of  1.7  under  ALCOAST 
353/09.  The Coast Guard shall pay him any amount due as a result of these corrections. 















 Julia Andrews 


May 28, 2010 
*The  third  member  of  the  Board  was  unavailable.  However,  pursuant  to  33  C.F.R.  § 52.11(b),  two 
designated members constitute a quorum of the Board. 

 Dorothy J. Ulmer 

























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